Great for all ages!
10 AM - 5 PM
Sealy Historical Park, 211 East Main Street, Sealy, TX
Plein air painting
Growing herbs
Raising chickens
Raising goats
Hand-cranked ice cream
Soap making
Music & Dance
to include plein air competition
Cash prizes
Singing, dancing, instrumentals, comedy, magic, poetry & dramatic readings
Games & Activities
Hoop & Stick Races
Train Rides
Victorian Tea Party for the kids
Hula Hoop Contest for all ages
Treasure Hunt
Vendors selling handmade items, including a fine selection of jewelry, handmade soaps, candles, items crafted from wood, books signed by the author, and homegrown items from local farms.
Vintage cars, trucks, tractors!
Great food from the kitchen
Chicken salad croissant sandwich plate
Grilled hamburgers, cheese burgers and chili burgers, Hotdogs, chili dogs
plus home made desserts served all day
Bake Sale
Homemade quiches, cakes, pies, cookies, peanut brittle
Tours of 1887 Jail, 1880 Hackbarth House & 1927 Caboose